Cart Type

Cart Type

Simultaneous movement of lifts and carts of the parking system
allows mid- and full-size cars to be parked efficiently in underground parking space.


Small and large-sized buildings (underground)

Allowed Cars for Parking

Mid- and full-size cars, SUVs
(possible to accommodate full-size cars)


50 cars / Lift

Max. Capacity

70 cars / Lift

※ For inquiries about a system for more than 60 cars, please contact us. The system is varied depending on specifications.

Safety Device

Motion detection sensors (at entry).


Lifting 60 ~ 90 m/min
Drive 60 ~ 110 m/min
Shifting 38 ~ 45 m/min
Lead Time
2 minutes

Product Features

Inverter Control System for Efficient Use of Underground Space

The PLC sequence, which was completed through accumulated expertise and experience of Hyundai Elevator, helps the lift and carts run under optimal conditions.

The inverter and the manual control panel are to operate each of the carts for easy maintenance.

Customized System Organization

The cart system consists of lifts, carts, and racks and by varying their arrangement depending on conditions of the underground parking space, can improve space efficiency.

Turntable installation can be varied depending on the conditions of the space, such as driving direction of cars and entry area, allowing flexible space design as well as convenient use.


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